Works In Fiber and Other Media

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Gunfight at Potato Canyon

Gunfight at Potato Canyon detail

Gunfight at Potato Canyon

© 2008

24"H x 24"W

Text from imaginary journal on quilt reads: “On that fine May morning when Joe Slayed turned into Potato Canyon, the very last varmints he expected to see were the members of the notorious triangle gang. The boys in Circle City had whispered rumors that the Triangles were supposed to be somewhere in Moontana or Whyoming. But here they were and pointing their guns at Joe who just last night had his gun stolen while he slept in the low branches of a cottonwood tree. Looked like he was about to be a goner unless...”
Photography by John Bonath

Exhibited in: Don't Fence Me In, Longmont Museum and Cultural Center, CO, 2008, Invitational; and Art Quilts XV:Needleplay, Vision Gallery/Chandler Art Center , Chandler, AZ, 2010, Juried.
Price: $2500

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